Running Water for School & Mission House
Dream #1 - There is nothing more heart wrenching in Haiti than to see a child who is denied the opportunity to attend school. That situation is very common because it costs money to go to school. Uniforms, books, tuition, and money to take exams mean that parents must decide which child might go to school or if they can afford to send any of their children to get an education. The dream of building a “free” school in the mission house area became a reality in 2021 and classes started in September of that year allowing all the children to go to school.
Dream #2 - There is nothing more heart wrenching in Haiti than to see a child in school who is hungry. Most families only eat once a day, and that is in the evening, so many children come to our “free” school with nothing in their stomachs. The families who send their children to school are working hard to give them a better life. So it’s important to encourage and support their efforts to build a brighter future for their children and for Haiti. The dream of feeding the children became a reality when generous donors provided funds to support a hot lunch program.
Dream #3 - There is nothing more heart wrenching in Haiti than to see a child carrying water a great distance each day for family use. The dream of providing water for the community and the “free” school became a reality just last week when Fritz turned on the spigot at the school and announced “victory” as the fresh water flowed all the way from the spring box at the top of the mountain to various pumping stations for community use and eventually to the “free” school.