Even though it is not January 1, I think that a new website deserves to have a resolution to keep up a blog post! I will begin with how Jerilyn and I got started in Haiti, and in the weeks and months ahead I will keep in touch with you about what is currently happening. We plan to be more active with Facebook and Instagram posts too!
Our current program is to build/remodel 100 homes in the mission house area. Nine homes are completed, one is under construction, and we have the funding for five additional homes. Click here to learn more about our ‘Homes for Mauger’ project.
In 1989 Jerilyn and I made our first trip to Haiti to do mission work. Little did we imagine that thirty years later we would have our own organization directly involved in seven schools, five churches, two rice mills, a free school, a hot lunch program for 1200 students, a mission house to receive volunteer teams from the United States, and programs ranging from individual business startups to a housing project to build or remodel 100 homes in the mission house area.
Thirty years ago our dream was not so big! Thirty years ago we hoped to help just one person to be able to succeed in a country where there was limited opportunity to do anything more than just survive. God led us to a young man named Pierre Fritzner. Fritz was a thirty year old single parent, who was also the sole support for his mother and two nephews. The needs were obvious: Food, housing and education for the children. The solution: PRAYERS and yes, MONEY!
Jerilyn and I have been blessed. We were able to help Fritz and his family. But for every one person that we helped, twenty more came forward needing help. Then our family, our church, and our friends all stepped to the plate asking if there was anything they could do. Helping Hands for Haiti was formed as a 501(c)(3) and over the next several years three new schools and two new churches were built. Two rice mills were built to support the teacher’s salaries at Jumelle and LePina. A hot lunch program was started at all seven schools.
Helping Hands for Haiti is driven by these three Bible verses:
Luke 12:48 “To those whom much is given, much is expected.”
James 1:22 “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”
Proverbs 3:6 “In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.”
Interested in a “life changing experience?” Consider a mission trip to Haiti!
Contact Dave Hansen: 605-760-3222