Prior to Fred R. Barnard and Tess Flanders, a man by the name of Henrick Ibsen started all of the “picture and words” quotes when he made a statement that morphed into the quote that we all know so well today. Henrick Ibsen was quoted as saying, “A Thousand Words Leave Not the Same Deep Impression as Does a Single Deed.”
The thirteen pictures you have just viewed of the Helping Hands for Haiti Pillow Case Dress Fashion Show were taken in January of 2020. Way too often we fail to find the good and happiness in a land of poverty and heartache. But on this January day at the Helping Hands for Haiti mission house, over 20 excited young girls came to show off their new pillow case dresses at the “Fashion Show”. Most of the girls were late for the three o’clock start because their mothers wanted their daughter’s hair done just right as evident by the many styles. After the walk across the stage and individual pictures, the girls and moms enjoyed “solar oven” cake and fresh made juice.
When you look at these pictures, I know that they speak at least a thousand words, if not ten thousand words. I also know that Henrick Ibsen made a good point when he said, “A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed.” The single deed of hosting a fashion show gave these girls an experience they will never forget.
Haiti remains a country of needs. Poverty, hunger, lack of education and little economic opportunity are some of the challenges that we face as we begin our 31st year in Haiti. We have made progress! The “single deeds” made possible by monetary donations that many of you have made have enabled Helping Hands for Haiti to build 25 new homes and remodel 2 other houses in the last couple of years. Your contributions feed hundreds, provide medical care, provide countless start up grants and loans, provide days for girls kits, layettes, Children’s Bibles, rent land for farmers and buy seeds. All of these “single deeds” leave “deep impressions” on those who receive them.